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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week 11 Refelections

Teaching can be more of a lifestyle rather than a career.   Ultimately a teacher wants to care for the greater good of their students in terms of their current and future abilities.  It can be the most exhausting but most rewarding calling if done correctly.

The key to raising achievement is to recognize that teaching and learning is a relationship. Students need teachers who connect with them. And above all, they need teachers who believe in them. The best teachers are not only instructors. They are mentors and guides who can raise the confidence of their students, help them find a sense of direction, and empower them to believe in themselves.

Robinson had several strong quotes that back up my view of teaching more creatively achieving balance in the content requirements.

1- To achieve this balance, expert teachers fulfill four main roles: they engage, enable, expect, and empower.

2- Teachers need to engage, inspire, and enthuse students by creating conditions in which those students will want to learn.

knowing how and when to use the appropriate technique is what great teaching is all about. Like all genuine professions, it takes judgment and connoisseurship to know what works best here and now.

3- Good teachers know that however much they have learned in the past, today is a different day and you cannot ride yesterday’s horse.

If teachers convey to students that they expect them to do well, it’s much more likely that they will.

4- The key to raising achievement is to recognize that teaching and learning is a relationship. Students need teachers who connect with them. And above all, they need teachers who believe in them.

Reflecting back on any of these one of the most valuable characteristics of a good/strong teacher is the presence of empathy in your teachings.  If you care your students in turn should care as well.

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